APK MOD Winter Survival : after the last zombie war V.0.1.3 DOWNLOAD


 REVIVING HUMAN SOCIETY! CoolWin Games welcome you into the world of winter survival game- Winter! This is a new world full of mysterious Dragon Raja and magic! Your mission is to survive!
The survival of high-tech is gone. Winter is coming. No shelter to hide. Everything becomes nothing. Only the cold continent of danger and White Walkers is waiting for you to conquer! Hunger and terror spread. Only wisdom and courage can help you to survive from hunger and terror! Go and find the Hidden Dragon clan who ever bred dragons, seek the magical energy that has been passed down and build the strongest shelter to survive and fight the White Walkers!
Lead the surviving humans to find a way to survive from hunger and terror, build and upgrade your shelter, defeat the White Walkers, take back the territory!
Game Features:
l No modern technology, only cold weapons to create a thrilling battles;
l Coexistence with the Dragon, symbiosis with magic, and subvert the cognition of the survival game;
l Mysterious random map, challenging super senior survival players;
l Humans kill each other, resist the White Walkers, resist the civil strife;
l Expand and upgrade your shelter and forms the most powerful “human rebels”;
l Crazy collection of resources, become a resource tycoon in this cold and hunger winter;
For more features and surprises, welcome to join the game!
Support: Should you have any problem when playing the game,

Winter Survival is a survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world that takes place in the middle ages. That means players will return to a backward period, and the main task is to survive in a collapsed world. Not only survived the cold, but players also have to fight against enemies called “White Walkers”. Building bases, manufacturing items, and complete missions, …do everything to survive in the world of Winter Survival


The game has very complex gameplay, requiring players to coordinate all functions such as controlling the character, at the same time, performing the attack actions. Not only that but also have to adjust the time to use skills during the fight. The perspective of this game is designed in top-down form, suitable for fighting, building, and exploring the entire world. Not only that, players must constantly collect everything to serve the purpose of survival. Build a base to rest through the day, store items, and a safe place to fight against raids at night. Besides, players will also have to explore the whole world through special places. Investigate mysterious dungeons and fight those who are in great danger.



This game has a bit of an RPG element, meaning that when players level up, the power and defence stats will increase. Also allows players to unlock some special skills to use during combat. Not only that, when levelling up, players will also be unlocked and access to more advanced drawings. Including armour and weapons, even the crafting station will be unlocked. Any action of the player will have a certain amount of EXP, so the promotion will become faster and simpler for new players.


With a variety of items, players will always find what they want and what is needed. Pieces of equipment and weapons will also be included in this category. Weapons can be crafted at the base through special crafting tables or during the adventure, the same as other items. Besides, there are also some items to restore stamina and boost power. Even building items will appear around the player. This game also has many other functions for you to explore. And it will ensure you bring a new experience with this type of top-down survival.


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Thanks for reading: APK MOD Winter Survival : after the last zombie war V.0.1.3 DOWNLOAD, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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