
Jurassic Survival is the game for you to experience in a place full of giant dinosaurs. To not die of starvation and cold, you need to hunt, gather resources like food and drink, do all kinds of jobs and build a place to shelter. You need to do your best to survive among the hungry giant dinosaurs that are always looking to eat you on this island. Cooperate with other players or steal everything they have. Take gamers into the Jurassic era where mighty dinosaurs live. Do whatever you want, but remember the most important thing is survival.


Remember that you can turn a wild dinosaur into your own. You can tame any dinosaur. Of course, it’s not entirely straightforward and hazardous, but carrying items on a diplodocus is much easier. And letting a giant tyrannosaurus infiltrate your enemy is incredibly fun. When participating in the game, you will be set foot in an ancient world. In the game, you will have to deal with countless new dangers, especially giant carnivorous dinosaurs.


Players find for themselves many food sources so as not to starve in this wilderness. It would help if you had many essentials like fresh meat, fruit, and water – this island has a lot of them. You need to perform your duties well with agility skills to avoid eating. To have a good life, you need to create the most advanced weapons to forage and hunt animals.


Players can craft furniture and build their roofs. In addition, players can also develop their defense system with surrounding fence systems and watchtowers to resist attacks of predatory dinosaurs. It’s pretty simple for you to collect as much building material as possible and build your impregnable fortress. But you have to be careful with the fence too low; some dinosaurs will be able to step over your fence and destroy you quickly.


You will have a fun time chasing a lizard with a stick. But when you create a good weapon and armor, store it on different equipment so you can hunt some large animals. From essential tools like axes and hoes to mining to armor or weapons to protect yourself, you need to unlock them to use.


In Jurassic Survival, you can not only survive alone; players can also team up with other survivors to cope with the dangers of dinosaurs or evil people in the royal world has been this harsh. There is no more sadness when you are alone hunter, teaming up with other players to build a typical village. Unity is the power, so huge ordinary buildings can raiding the most dangerous beast.

Jurassic Survival brings players lost in the wild world will help players enjoy more fun hunting, hunting, and hiding from dangerous animals. Download the game for you and your loved one to have many beautiful stress relief moments that the game brings.

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Thanks for reading: APK MOD JURASSIC SURVIVAL V.2.7.0 DOWNLOAD, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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1 comment

  1. Good game
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